Analysis of Correlations Self Efficacy and Entrepreneurship Intention


  • T Handayani Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia



efficacy, entrepreneurship interest


The purpose of this study was to see how the Self-Efficacy possessed by Students Class 2017 of Managemet Major Unikom is linked to Entrepreneurship Intention The research methods used are descriptive and verificative. The sample in this study amounted to 61 out of the population of 156 students class of the 2017 . The technique of determining samples in the form of proporsional random sampling based on classes by spreading questionnaires, so that it is expected to obtain the desired research results.The Research of results through Descriptive Analysis show that Self-Efficacy has a total score of 64.41% with sufficient criteria to have self-efficacy with the lowest indicator of confidence for success by 60%, and the highest indicator of confidence has the ability to fulfill tasks by 70%. As for the variable Entrepreneurship Interest resulted in a Total Score of 60% with a category of quite Interested for Entrepreneurship, with the lowest indicator of Entrepreneurial Desire at 48.52%, and the highest Indicator of Entrepreneurship With a Total Score of 71.48%. Result of research Verificative analysis correlation that the relationship of Self-Efficacy with Entrepreneurship Interests in Student Class 2017 of Management Major was able to score by 44.1% with the relationship category not too strong. This shows that respondents feel less confident to open a business and to achieve future success. You can only be an employee, not an entrepreneur. The impact of the results of this study requires the provision of continuous motivation to create a sense of confidence in students to become an entrepreneur.


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How to Cite

Handayani, T. (2023). Analysis of Correlations Self Efficacy and Entrepreneurship Intention. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 4, 13-16.