The Anatomy of a Metaphor Simple Seating Facility Furniture with Narrative Methods


  • Cherry Dharmawan Interior Study Program, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Revina Zahra Interior Study Program, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia



This research is a continuation of previous research regarding the creative process in designing simple sitting facility furniture in Furniture Design Class 1, UNIKOM's Interior Design Study Program using the narrative method. The purpose of this research is to describe the results of the creation process and analyze the stages in the creation process. This research will analyze the stages in the creativity process which aims to get a formulation of how the stages in design use the narrative method with design exploration using a metaphorical approach. The metaphorical approach taken is an approach related to the anatomy of a metaphor product. This formulation will be used as a reference for furniture courses 1, 2, 3 in particular and in general for curriculum enrichment of UNIKOM's Interior Design Study Program in interior design studios.This study used a participatory method, with a sample of works by students(14 students) in furniture class 1 UNIKOM Interior Design Study Program, for 10 weeks, with research details: stage I exploration of form and Stage II exploration of factors of construction, beauty and function , as well as Stage III, is the stage of the formulation of stages in designing with the Narrative method. Stage IV, translating the source and the targets according to their narrative.Product metaphors distinct entities, a product (target) and a remote entity (source), through physically mapping ( ) certain properties of the latter to the former. Two entities and a mapping is not enough to be a metaphor, there should be a “meaning transfer” provided by their association. Product metaphors differ from verbal metaphors in terms of (1) target and source merging, (2) mapping being designers’ task, (3) multimodality, and (4) source concreteness. The structure of product metaphors, the characteristics of a metaphorical association and mapping in products, and the differences of product metaphors from their linguistic counterparts will be explained with various examples. The association of a target and a source can be based on: Innate, universal knowledge—which would lead to embodied metaphors, Cultural, expert knowledge—which would lead to learned metaphors.




How to Cite

Dharmawan, C., & Zahra, R. . (2023). The Anatomy of a Metaphor Simple Seating Facility Furniture with Narrative Methods. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 6, 639-647.