Form of Warak Ngendhog in the Dugderan Tradition of Semarang


  • De Hafizh Kumara Rasyidu Master of Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Rini Maulina Master of Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia



Dugderan, Form of Warak Ngendhog, Semarang, Traditional Events, Visual


Dugderan is a tradition in Semarang to welcome the month of Ramadan, there is a procession of Warak Ngendhog during dugderan activities. Warak Ngendhog has a distinctive shape,  is a parade that is carried and can be ridden. Previous  research on Warak Ngendhog explored meanings and symbols, research on the shape of Warak Ngendhog has not been widely studied. This study aims to determine the form of Warak Ngendhog found in Semarang. Research was conducted to visually determine the types of shapes in Warak Ngendhog. The method used in this study is descriptive, to visually explain shapes, and to classify based on the types of Warak Ngendhog forms. Data were obtained through literature studies and observations. The results of the study obtained  visual form Warak Ngendhog consists of three categories, namely, Classic, Modification, and Contemporary, the form  of Warak Ngendhog comes from mythological creatures and a combination of several animals, making based on the symbol of the unity of the three ethnicities of Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic  and  the material is from natural and artificial materials


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How to Cite

Rasyidu, D. H. K. ., & Maulina, R. . (2023). Form of Warak Ngendhog in the Dugderan Tradition of Semarang. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 6, 489-497.