Third Party Funds Affect the Net Income of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)
The function of the bank as a mediation in collecting and channeling public funds. The funds collected are known as third party funds.Third Party Funds are utilized to be placed in income generating posts. Bank Syariah Indonesia is a sharia-based banking that carries out this function. Third Party Funds which are dominated by wadiah contracts in Islamic Banks in Indonesia have increased. Third Party Funds if managed properly will have an impact on net income. Based on banking activities, researchers are interested in seeing the impact of third party funds on net income. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing how much influence third party funds have on the net profit of Bank Syariah Indonesia. The method used for this research is a descriptive and verificative method with a quantitative approach. The unit of analysis in this study is the Bandung branch of BSI. The analytical method uses SPSS version 23.0. The results of this study indicate that Third Party Funds have an effect on net income. BSI as one of the financial institutions to always increase third-party deposits by socializing a variety of potential deposit products. Currently, what is in demand is the wadiah contract, hoping that other products will also become a priority choice for customers so that third-party funds increase.