The Influence of Project Management Applications, Productivity and Work Environment on Discipline, Motivation and Work Results


  • Eldeast Jane Abdul Fitra Magister Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jalan Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia
  • Rahma Wahdiniwaty Magister Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jalan Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia



This research focuses on discipline, motivation and low work results. High and low discipline, motivation and work results can be caused by internal and external factors. There are 3 essential components in work, namely: internal conditions, external conditions, and work results. Internal factors that affect work results can be in the form of increased discipline and motivation through the application of Project Management and Productivity Applications, while external factors are in the form of the work environment. This study aims to determine 1) how the application of Project Management and Productivity Application affects work discipline and motivation, and 2) how the application of Project Management and Productivity Application affects work results. The subjects of this research are all employees, both permanent employees and interns at PT Multi Ark Indonesia. The test question method and also the survey method equipped with a questionnaire are the data collection tools used in this study. The unit of analysis amounted to 40 all employees. The findings in this study are 1) Project Management Application and Productivity have a positive and significant effect on discipline and motivation at work 2) Project Management Application and Productivity have a positive and significant effect on work output. Based on the t test, the effect of Project Management Applications, Productivity and Work Environment on discipline is 2.477, the effect of discipline on Motivation and Work Results is 2.871. The indirect effect of Project Management Applications, Productivity and Work Environment on Motivation and Work Results through discipline is 2,687.




How to Cite

Fitra, E. J. A. ., & Wahdiniwaty, R. . (2023). The Influence of Project Management Applications, Productivity and Work Environment on Discipline, Motivation and Work Results. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 6, 418-426.