The Effect of the Use of Virtual Communication on Satisfaction of Interpersonal Interaction during Pandemic among Communications Students UNIKOM Bandung
The purpose of this research is to analyze in depth the effect of using virtual communication on the satisfaction of interpersonal interactions during a pandemic among communication science students at UNIKOM Bandung. The research method used in this research is quantitative with survey method data collection techniques. The researcher distributed a questionnaire in the form of a questionnaire using google form as a medium aimed at a collection of research statements to 92 respondents from 1,150 population. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. Results of Research using ibm spps software for windows version 20 as a test tool for data analysis Researchers have obtained a value of df = 90 and 0.05 then the ttable value is 1.986 which in the next step will be used to test the hypothesis where the results of the t test curve show The tcount is 9,043 which shows a value greater than the table so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so the influence of virtual communication on interpersonal interaction satisfaction was found. The linear regression test between variables virtual communication on interpersonal interaction satisfaction has shown a correlation coefficient value of 0.690 which is included in the category of strong correlation. In addition, virtual communication has an impact on the satisfaction of interpersonal interactions which can be seen in the percentage value which shows 47.6% of the results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination. The conclusion of this study is that the use of virtual communication has a strong influence on the satisfaction of interpersonal interactions during a pandemic among communication science students at UNIKOM Bandung. Advice for Communication Science Students at Unikom Bandung to increase awareness again to understand the impact resulting from the use of virtual communicationtool as a intermediary media for interpersonal interaction