Contrastive Conjunction in Japanese and Indonesian


  • Hafizah El Khair Japanese Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia



Language, Conjunction, Japanese, Indonesian


Each language have their own characteristic such as part of speech. One of part of speech is conjunction. Conjunction in Japanese and Indonesian have multiple functions, one of them used to expressed contrastive meaning. The aim of this study is to overview conjunction which expressed contrastive meaning in Japanese and Indonesian. The data in this study are words, phrases, or sentences that used conjunction which shown contrastive meaning. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Result of this study, conjunction which indicated contrastive meaning in Japanese was soredokoroka, desuga/ daga, keredo/ kedo/ desukeredo/ dakeredo/ keredomo/ dakedo, shikashi/ shikashinagara, demo/ soredemo, toittemo, tokoroga, ippou, towaie, soredeite, tadashi, hanmen, sorenishitemo, sorenishitewa,sorenanoni. And conjunction which expressed contrastive meaning in Indonesian was tetapi, namun, melainkan, sedangkan, padahal, sebaliknya, meskipun. The result of this study was expected to be used as reference for contrastive study between Japanese and Indonesian specifically contrastive analysis of conjunction which expressed a contrastiveness.





How to Cite

Hafizah El Khair. (2023). Contrastive Conjunction in Japanese and Indonesian. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 5, 392-400.