The Contrastive Analysis of Hiroi and Luas Adjective in Japanese and Indonesian


  • W Dessari Japanese Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.
  • D Sutedi Japanese Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.
  • N Haristiani Japanese Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.



Contrastive analysis, semantic, hiroi, Luas


This study aims to describe and analyzed the similarities and differences between the hiroi adjective in Japanese and luas adjective in Indonesian in terms of the study of meaning (semantics). This study used a qualitative descriptive method, while the data sources were taken from the corpus and online news. To see the similarities and differences between hiroi and broad adjectives, the equivalent technique was used. Meanwhile, the linguistic phenomenon refers to the linguistic phenomenon proposed by Konayagi. The results of this study found 8 similarities and 3 differences between hiroi adjectives and luas adjectives. The similarity of meaning includes the meaning of a large area, open to the public, distribution was large, extensive knowledge, able to see far, many and varied, generous, and length and width of the field. Meanwhile, there were 3 different meanings, namely famous, quantity above average, and feeling proud. There were two linguistic phenomena found in this study, namely the icchi phenomenon (the linguistic aspect was found in B1 and B2) and the shinki phenomenon (the linguistic aspect was not found in B1 but was found in B2). The results of this study can be used as independent learning materials in understanding and using hiroi and luas adjectives.





How to Cite

W Dessari, D Sutedi, & N Haristiani. (2023). The Contrastive Analysis of Hiroi and Luas Adjective in Japanese and Indonesian. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 5, 373-380.