Cross-Cultural Understanding in Emily in Paris Series Season 1: Episodes 1 and 2


  • M R Yuwita English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur No. 112-116 Bandung 40132, West Java, Indonesia



Many experts believe that language is broadly defined as an external expression
reflecting its social groups’ behaviour and cultures. The relationship between language and
culture is deeply rooted and inseparable as they may affect each other. This article presents and
explores cross-cultural understanding in Emily in Paris Series Season 1, specifically Season 1
and 2. Emily, the protagonist, is portrayed as an American woman who is unexpectedly hired at
a marketing firm in Paris, French. The series explicitly showed Emily’s struggle encountering
language and culture clash in Paris due to her lack of understanding and pragmatic mismatch.
This current study adopts a descriptive qualitative method to examine 7 data taken from
conversations transcription from Season 1: Episodes 1 and 2. The collected data is then carefully
analyzed and elaborated using relevant theories. This result of this research evidently
demonstrates multiple ways of how Americans and French behave. In summation, this research
has demonstrated distinctive ways of greeting, giving compliments, the concept of time and
space, the idea of business and personal space, and idiomatic expressions. In brief, this
holocultural research could promote awareness and understanding of cultural differences as a
tool to overcome this intertwined world as well as avoid cultural shock





How to Cite

M R Yuwita. (2023). Cross-Cultural Understanding in Emily in Paris Series Season 1: Episodes 1 and 2. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 5, 324-331.