Educational Marketing Management Strategi in Improving School Image


  • Linda Setiawati Faculty of Science Education, Indonesian University of Education
  • Siti Nuraeni Faculty of Science Education, Indonesian University of Education



The purpose of this study was to analyze the marketing management strategy of education in elementary schools that has an impact on the image of educational institutions. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collection technique uses triangulation, namely a combination of observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects in this study were principals, educators, parents and students. The results of this study found that educational services at SDN 1 Samarang prioritize customer satisfaction. Marketing management carried out by schools in improving the school's image is carried out by several strategies, namely direct strategies, indirect strategies, and financing strategies. The most effective strategy at SDN 1 Samarang is the quality of graduates and building an image of service satisfaction through word of moutht. The impact and implications of marketing strategies on imaging at SDN 1 Samarang include the support of the community around the school, the establishment of effective cooperation between the school and parents of students, the establishment of customer loyalty for education service users. Education services at SDN 1 Samarang prioritize efforts to fulfill and satisfy education customers, the quality of educators and education personnel who are oriented towards quality and professionalism, and the quality of graduates in accordance with the school profile.





How to Cite

Linda Setiawati, & Siti Nuraeni. (2023). Educational Marketing Management Strategi in Improving School Image. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 5, 150-156.