Internal Institutionalization of Golkar Party For the Study of Simultaneous 2020 Pilkada (Elections of Regional Heads) in Bandung District
The research aims to analyze the internal institutionalization of Golkar in Bandung
District by taking a case study of the 2020 Pilkada. The method implemented in this research is
a qualitative method classified as descriptive, with data collection techniques using documents.
The researcher will review those data and give meaning to them. The result of the research is
Golkar, which has controlled Bandung Regency for 20 years, turned out to be defeated in the
2020 Pilkada due to the institutionalization of political parties that could not accommodate the
wishes of party seniors. By looking at four political parties’ institutionalizations from
Huntington, Golkar is one of the political parties with a high survival level and can survive during
regime shifts to other regimes in Bandung District. The political party structure is also complex
enough, but the political party’s dependency on the mass organization in its winning electoral
strategy is still high. The birth of political party intrafraction led to the defeat of the pair of NiaUsman in the battle for Bandung District Regent seat in 2020. In conclusion, Golkar in Bandung
District only leaves two things that still exist in party institutions, which are the party chronology
and organizational structure. The impact of the research is no matter how strong the party
institutionalization is, if it doesn’t accommodate the wishes of the party’s seniors, the
institutionalization will be weak, as well as if the party is very dependent on the organization’s