Digital Business Opportunities in Education Services: the Use of Information Technology in the Covid-19 Endemic


  • N.S.S. Sugiana Administration Busines Departement, Faculty of Economics and Busines Digital, Institut Digital Ekonomi LPKIA, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta No. 456, Bandung
  • T.K. Liong Administration Busines Departement, Faculty of Economics and Busines Digital, Institut Digital Ekonomi LPKIA, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta No. 456, Bandung
  • D.S. Hamdani Administration Busines Departement, Faculty of Economics and Busines Digital, Institut Digital Ekonomi LPKIA, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta No. 456, Bandung
  • T. Sulastri Administration Busines Departement, Faculty of Economics and Busines Digital, Institut Digital Ekonomi LPKIA, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta No. 456, Bandung
  • T.I. Hendriana Administration Busines Departement, Faculty of Economics and Busines Digital, Institut Digital Ekonomi LPKIA, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta No. 456, Bandung



Digital Business Opportunity, Information Technology, Covid-19 Endemic


The impact of Covid-19 in various segments of life makes everyone talk about it; not
only in the community among workers and businessmen but also within any community whose
activities are conducted from home, either merely some social activities or simple economic
transactions; those activities are done in one of another way that they are all required to know
how to use information technology. Data have it that nearly all Indonesia people are unique
mobile users, social media users and Internet users. Thus, the increase in the use of information
technology seems to be very substantial. What arises from this phenomenon is that business
opportunities in various sectors have turned into digital, as the educational services that have
also turned into online forms and often involve parents who have to provide digital facilities for
their children as the students. This research is conducted using descriptive approach with
quantitative analysis, and it aims to bring forward some finding that opportunities do avail in the
current pandemic-influenced educational services. Observation and studies on research data
reveal the use of information technology and its trends, and serve as a reference that digital
business opportunities in the educational field will keep accelerating during the Covid-19
endemic era. And this in turn is expected to serve as important information for any interested





How to Cite

N.S.S. Sugiana, T.K. Liong, D.S. Hamdani, T. Sulastri, & T.I. Hendriana. (2023). Digital Business Opportunities in Education Services: the Use of Information Technology in the Covid-19 Endemic. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 5, 7-13.