The Effectiveness of @humaskabbdg Instagram Information on Instantiation Perceptions Among Followers


  • Rismawaty Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Desayu Eka Surya Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia



Social Media, Instantiation Perceptions


The purpose of this research was to determine the extent of the effectiveness of @humaskabbdg Instagram information on instantiation perceptions among followers. To answer this problem, the researchers took a measuring instrument from Variable Y (Perception), namely feelings and sources of information. The method in this study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques with data collection, namely surveys. The population in this research were followers of the @humaskabbdg Instagram account and the sample was taken was 100 respondents. The sampling technique used probability random sampling with a simple random sampling method. The results of this research by calculating the coefficient of determination analysis show that the Effectiveness of @humaskabbdg Instagram Information has an influence of 45.3% on the Instantiation Perception among Followers. In the results of processing the t-test, the calculated t value obtained is 9.003 > t table of 1.984 which was in proper with the hypothesis testing criteria, namely Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This means that it has a significant and positive effect. These results show that the effectiveness of @humaskabbdg's Instagram information has been effective on instantiation perceptions among followers.The conclusion for this research was that there was a significant and positive effect between the effectiveness (variable x) of @humaskabbdg Instagram Information on the Perception (variable y) of Instantiation among Followers, with the categories "Effective" and "Very Good" so it can be concluded that the @humaskabbdg Instagram account was already effective. Suggestions for the Public Relations of the Bandung Regency Leaders, it was hoped that the admin of the @humaskabbdg Instagram account could continue to spread useful information and provide the latest innovations to attract followers' attention through posted content so that the followers of the @humaskabbdg Instagram account can have a good perception or image to the instantiation.




How to Cite

Rismawaty, & Surya, D. E. . (2023). The Effectiveness of @humaskabbdg Instagram Information on Instantiation Perceptions Among Followers. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities, 4, 39-48.